Academy of Indore Marathoners (AIM) is a nonprofit organization that was formed to conduct Marathon in Indore every year from time to time to all category of people i.e. Full time, part time, Dream Runners, Veterans, or disability to help increase grassroots participation for a safe, enjoyable and learning experience. We aim to achieve this through the widest voluntary collaboration with the existing bodies and local associates of Indore.
Distance: 42.2Km
Participants: Male & Female
Minimum Age: 18 years
Distance: 21.1Km
Participants: Male & Female
Minimum Age: 18 years
Distance: 10Km
Participants: Male & Female
Minimum Age: 18 years
Distance: 05Km
Participants: Male & Female
Minimum Age: 10 years
Runners Clinic Academy
Professional Athlete Support Program
© 2022-2023 Academy of Indore Marathoners (Malwa Marathoners)
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